Enhancing the Production and Productivity of Irrigable Land through Pre-extension Demonstration of Intercropping of Cowpea with Maize in the Case of the Central Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia
Gebru Brhane *
Abergelle Agricultural Research Center, Tigray, Ethiopia and Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Mekele, Ethiopia.
Meseret Redae
Abergelle Agricultural Research Center, Tigray, Ethiopia and Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Mekele, Ethiopia.
Nebiet Tekulu
Abergelle Agricultural Research Center, Tigray, Ethiopia and Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Mekele, Ethiopia.
Dargie Mokenen
Abergelle Agricultural Research Center, Tigray, Ethiopia and Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Mekele, Ethiopia.
Birhane Girmay
Abergelle Agricultural Research Center, Tigray, Ethiopia and Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Mekele, Ethiopia.
Kibrom Fisseha
Abergelle Agricultural Research Center, Tigray, Ethiopia and Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Mekele, Ethiopia.
Shambel Syum
Abergelle Agricultural Research Center, Tigray, Ethiopia and Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Mekele, Ethiopia.
Desta Tekle
Abergelle Agricultural Research Center, Tigray, Ethiopia and Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Mekele, Ethiopia.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
One of the major constraints that strongly limit livestock production in the Tigray region is the unavailability of both sufficient quantity and quality of feeds. Despite the huge animal feed problem, the smallholder farmers have no experience on growing forage crops due to a shortage of cultivable lands and knowledge. To mitigate the existing challenge, intensification of irrigable land through maize cowpea intercropping becomes so crucial. That’s why the demonstration of intercropping cowpea with maize to enhance the quality of forage production without reducing grain yield was designed. Agbe Tabia’ was selected purposefully based on the potential of irrigation water, poor farmers experience in livestock feed production, and project interest. A total of 20 farming households were selected purposefully based on their interest in trying new technology and interest to share his/here experiences with fellow farmers. All the necessary input was prepared and distributed timely. Before executing the demonstration training on intercropping technique and farmers’ research group concept was given to participants. Each farmer planted the sole maize with the maize cowpea intercropped to compare their performance. The average grain yield obtained from sole maize and intercropped maize cowpea was 38.87 and 36.14 quintal per hectare respectively. The T-test output indicates that without significant grain and biomass yield reduction of maize, the improved practice has a mean yield advantage of 52.62 and 7.21 quintal per hectare of cowpea at 50% flowering and air-dried stage respectively. Therefore, it is recommended that to further demonstrate and scale out the practices under similar agro ecology.
Keywords: Demonstration, intercropping, farmers’ perception, Tigray Region