Identification of Potentials, Constraints and Possible Intervention Areas to Improve Agricultural and Natural Resources Productivity at Illala Sub-watershed, Tigray, Ethiopia
Esayas Meresa *
Mekelle Agricultural Research Center, Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Tigray, Ethiopia.
Fissha Hadgu
Mekelle Soil Research Center, Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Tigray, Ethiopia.
Solomon G/yowhans
Mekelle Agricultural Research Center, Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Tigray, Ethiopia.
Teferi G/medhin
Mekelle Agricultural Research Center, Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Tigray, Ethiopia.
Niguse Abebe
Mekelle Agricultural Research Center, Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Tigray, Ethiopia.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Poor intensity and erratic distribution of rainfall in Tigray Region is one of the factors that cause reduction in agricultural and natural resources production. Subsequent water scarcity and inefficient utilization are among the major problems of production in the region. As a solution, introducing improved agricultural and natural resource technologies as well as providing expert support and other help by different actors is critical in alleviating these problems by raising agricultural production and natural resources productivity in attaining food security.
This study is focusing at assessing and evaluating the potentials, problems and forwarding possible solutions. The team has conducted survey using questionnaire, interview of key informants and focus groups discussion, physical observation and by consulting secondary information.
The main objective of the study was to assess the potentials and constraints as well as to recommend possible intervention areas for Illala sub-watershed. The potentials and constraints of production have been identified. Possible interventions have been recommended for agricultural, and natural resources production for the irrigated and non-irrigated areas in the sub-watershed.
Based on the study, the main agricultural and natural resources potentials are suitable agro-ecology, water resource, suitable land and access to market. The main constraints include lack of concreate canals and dams, feed shortage, high prevalence of disease and pests, and lack of improved agricultural and natural resource technologies.
Keywords: Animal Cytotaxonomy, Constraints, Crustacean Chromosomes, Illala river, Crab Cytology, possible interventions, potentials, sub-watershed
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