Sustainable Fisheries Management Approach of Bangladesh: A Potential Blue Economy Path
Prabal Barua *
Department of Knowledge Management for Development, Young Power in Social Action Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Chaiti Barua
Department of Zoology, Gachbaria Government College, Chittagong. Bangladesh.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Bangladesh is a land of rivers and numerous waterbody all over the country. Approximately 4.70 million hectares of water sources, including oxbow lakes, floodplains, and numerous canals, are a blessing for Bangladesh. However, issues with food safety in the fisheries industry are a result of urbanization, industrial expansion, high levels of exploitation, habitat degradation, and population growth. It was discovered that many legal shortcomings, a lack of clear strategies and well-considered guidelines, an inaccessible authoritarian framework, authority disputes and non-compliance, a lack of regular legislative review, and a lack of bylaws, rules, and guidelines all contributed to the implementation of regulations, laws, and policies frequently meeting with limited success. The government of Bangladesh has implemented a number of socially conscious initiatives to address the issues, including raising fish productivity, protecting fish stocks, and managing fisheries. However, the accumulation of microplastics in the fishing industry is currently one of the main issues from the standpoint of public health.Moreover, Bangladesh's sustainable fisheries management depends on a broad criminal code. As a result, via natural management, fishing privileges have been expanded and promoted well beyond fishing.
Keywords: Morphology of Stolon, Fisheries resources, Clover stolon, management practice, fisher's livelihoods, Bangladesh
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