Producing Silage from Food and Agricultural Waste and Fodder Using Microorganisms: A Review

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Published: 2024-04-01

Page: 49-57

Behzad Mohammadi *

Department of Food Science and Technology, Afagh Higher Education Institute, Urmia, Iran.

Maryam Heydari

Department of Food Science and Industry, Varamin Pishva Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Iran.

Dorna Abdolkhani

Department of Food Sciences and Industries, Biotechnology Orientation, Islamic Azad University, Yasouj Branch, Yasouj, Iran.

Seyedeh Elaheh Jafari Sang Cheshmeh

Simia Parto Vista Zist Research Center, Mazandaran, Sari, Iran.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Water scarcity has led to a decline in agricultural production, and many fertile land is facing a shortage of water for agricultural development. Water shortages and high prices of food and Agricultural inputs in countries are increasing the price of animal feed, poultry and aquatic animals. Therefore, the processing and improvement of the quality of waste and waste of Agricultural and food products will cause these waste materials to be used economically in rations and feeding of various livestock and poultry. The purpose of this research is to investigate the beneficial results of feeding livestock with the fermentation of Agricultural and food wastes in animal feed and economic recycling of these wastes.

Methods :This research was done by studying more than 50 articles published in this field and extracting and integrating the contents.

Results: Animal feed silage is produced by processing essential proteins and vitamins during silage fermentation. This increases the quality of healthy dairy. Usually, livestock food is stored in the spring and summer, and during the cold season of the year, it is not possible to provide fresh fodder and corn, The stored product is used to feed livestock and poultry, It is inexpensive and high nutritional value for milk and meat production and maintaining livestock health.

Conclusion: This method allows us to store a large amount of plants and agricultural waste for animal feed, which today is one of the most basic and important ways to provide food for livestock in the absence of fodder fresh, it is.



Keywords: Coheritability in Lentil, Food waste, Lentil breeding, waste processing, silage, animal food

How to Cite

Mohammadi, B., Heydari , M., Abdolkhani , D., & Cheshmeh, S. E. J. S. (2024). Producing Silage from Food and Agricultural Waste and Fodder Using Microorganisms: A Review. Asian Journal of Research and Review in Agriculture, 6(1), 49–57. Retrieved from


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