Dr. Gabriela Civeira

Degrees: Gabriela Civeira, Doctorate in agricultural and forestry research. University of La Coruna, Spain. Graduation: 2016. Pedagogic training for professionals and senior technicians. "Juan B. Justo" Education Institute. Graduation:2014. Master of Soil Science. Faculty of Agronomy University of Buenos Aires (FAUBA). Graduation: 2006. Agronomist. Faculty of Agronomy University of Buenos Aires. Graduation: 2003. Associate Professor: 2010_ current. In charge of Environmental Impact in agroecosystems chair. Faculty of Agriculture and Agrifood Sciences University of MorĂ³n (UM). 2012_ current. Associate Professor of Ecology chair. Faculty of Agriculture and Agrifood Sciences-UM. 2014_current. Associate Professor of Soils and Climate course. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Belgrano. Research Position: 2011_current. Researcher at the Soil Institute-National Agricultural Technology Institute (INTA). Area: soil and landscape management. 2010_2011. Professional assistant for agricultural and environmental issues at the Department of Environmental Crimes, Argentine Federal Police (PFA). 2010_2011. Member of the environment board in the Food and agribusiness strategic plan (PEA-Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food). In representation of the Faculty of Agriculture and Agrifood Sciences-UM. 2005_2006 Professional researcher in the National Research and Development Program for small family farms (IPAF- INTA).