Dr. Reda Ragab Shahin

Dr. Reda Shahin graduated in Soils department, Faculty of Agric. Cairo University in 1971, and got M.Sc. in 1975 about the mineral transformations as affected by soil microorganisms, Ph.D. in 1980 about the mechanisms involved in aggregate formation in calcareous soils. Dr. R. Shahin is a Professor of Soil Chemistry & Mineralogy, Soils Department, Faculty of Agriculture Cairo University, Treasurer of the Scientific Committee for Assistant professor Degree (Soil Science), Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities, Faculty Member of Quality Assurance Board, Reviewer expert in National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAA) and Reviewer of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (Springer). Dr. R. Shahin got State Award in Agriculture, Egyptian academy of Science & Technology, 1989, Presidency Excellence Medal (1995), SABEC award of Agriculture, Saudi Arabia, 1998, and WHO's WHO Award 2000. Supervised more than 30 Ph.D. and M.Sc. Theses and published more than 65 scientific papers and four arabic books in the field of soil chemistry and geochemistry of heavy metals, mineralogy, soil and water pollution.