Dr. Tsygankova Victoria Anatolyivna

Dr. Tsygankova Victoria Anatolyivna , 2014 – till now Principal researcher, Head of group of screening of synthetic compounds of Department for Chemistry of Bioactive Nitrogen-Containing Heterocyclic Compounds, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of NAS of Ukraine.

Professional Experience: 2014 – till now - Principal researcher, Head of group of screening of synthetic compounds of Department for Chemistry of Bioactive Nitrogen-Containing Heterocyclic Compounds, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of NAS of Ukraine.

Research interests: creation of new ecologically safe plant growth regulators of synthetic and natural origin and study physiological and molecular-genetic aspects their action on accelerating growth of agricultural and medicinal plants, improving of crop productivity and increased plant resistance to pathogenic and parasitic organisms (bacteria, fungi, nematodes and insect-pests) and stress-factors of environment (drought, cold, heat, soil contamination etc.).